Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Dog Paradise

First I would like to list the essential qualities of a Dog Paradise.

1. Leash free. I must be free to run like the wind.
2. Open fields.
3. Woods.
4. Swimmable water feature.
5. Big rocks.
6. Small animals for chasing. Preferably bunnies.
7. Other dogs for butt sniffing.

Two of my recent adventures have been to Dog paradise.

First, Me and my girl Asoka went to Stodder's Neck in Hingham, MA. It was AWESOME. So much to sniff with so little time.

Then, Julia took me to Great Brook Farm in Carlisle, MA. This place had everything with the addition of goats and several randomly place equestrian jumps. They also had horses walking around on the trails which was a little scary.

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