Sunday, October 3, 2010

Toy Inventory

Here is a quick inventory of my favorite toys.

I am starting with this one because it was my first toy. It's "Frog." He used to have eyes.

Here I am with him on my second day with Joe and Julia.

This is "Fox." He's my favorite.

This is old "Furry Comma" and new "Furry Comma." This is the favorite at the dog park. It's good for playing tug. It's good we got a new one....old one has been sewn up a couple of times already. It's looking pretty tired.

This is "Wubba." This is my and Asoka's favorite tug toy.

This is "Sock Bottle." Joe made this for me from dollar store socks and an empty water bottle. It's awesome!

I'll end my post with my favorite retired toy. This is "Carlos Spicy Wiener." He was great while he lasted. He actually used to wear the hat featured in my blog intro picture. I got that off him pretty fast. Then I worked slowly at his seams until he was completely disemboweled.

I have quite a few more toys in my arsenal. I'm sure the others will be making an appearance down the road.

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