Thursday, April 14, 2011

Oh. Em. Gee.

I met a bunny.
A bunny!
I think it liked me. I stayed very very very still so I wouldn't scare it, and it kept coming up and sniffing my nose. I loved it!
I wish Joe & Julia would get me my own bunny.

It's a freakin bunny!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Totally freaky.
Totally works!

but you need the goofy glasses.

whoa!!!! it's like Asoka is coming right at me!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

New toys. Good day.

I got a ball with tail. it's just like a SQUIRREL!!!
And I goose/duck.
I LOVE new toys.

tail ball

goose duck

Friday, April 1, 2011

Balloons are awesome!

Joe blew up a balloon the other day. Me and Asoka had know idea what it was.
Asoka was a little scared of it. Well, she was a lot scared really. At first Joe was making it make funny noises. That was interesting, but not that exciting. Then he let go of it and somehow it turned into a bird!
It was awesome!!!! Once I caught it, it turned back into a balloon but it was all flat and boring.
Every now and again Joe pulls it and turns it into a bird again. It's probably the best game ever!