Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Happy Holidays!

from Roscoe and Asoka!

and Roscoe & Joe & Julia

What "winter" means.

Winter means that it's cold outside.
When it's cold outside, Joe & Julia don't like to spend outside time with me.
Winter means that Asoka comes over for play dates a lot and we play inside where it's warm.
I don't have words for how fun it is, so I'll just let pictures tell you.

butt to the face! take that Asoka!

We look vicious, but it's all LOVE.

she bit my butt!!!

time out.

isn't she pretty?!?!

trying out my snake moves on Asoka.

sometimes there are casualties.  this poor bear was a xmas gift. Asoka ate his ear and then we tore in half. honestly, it was kinda fun to destroy it.

after she leaves, I'm WIPED OUT! nap time.

Today Joe build us a fort on the bed with pillows.
That was a good idea!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


It snowed!
Holy crap!
I'm not even sure what this stuff is but it has totally changed everything!
I don't know where to do my business anymore. Everything smells weird. It's slippery.
And... you can eat it!!!

The verdict is still out, but I think it might be fun.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I've been learning to play frisbee!!! It's pretty awesome. At first I didn't get it. I tried just chasing the frisbee and then bringing it back like I do with the ball, but the frisbee is hard to pick up off the ground. Not fun. Then Joe told me that I could catch the frisbee while it was still in the air. I tried it and it was really fun! Now I love to play frisbee!!!

Baby, it's cold outside!

29ºF with a wind chill in the teens. Believe me, the wind is blowing!
It's cold out. Good thing I'm prepared.

The weather won't stop this dog from playing outside!