Friday, November 26, 2010

We're famous!!!

Somerville Journal had a reporter at the new "0 New Washington Street" dog park the other day and he interviewed us. Check it out!


This was my first Thanksgiving and it was pretty awesome. I'm very thankful for Joe and Julia and the way they spoil me. I'm also super thankful that I got to spend my first Thanksgiving with my girlfriend Asoka.
She spent the whole day at our house playing with me. We had a crazy fun time. Afterwards I got to have some turkey with my dinner, which was freaking amazing! Then I slept for a really long time, because Asoka makes me tired.
Joe and Julia said their favorite part of the day is when we did a play about the first Thanksgiving.
Roscoe as a pilgrim

Asoka is the indian princess 

Our play, the first Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Bed Inventory

I just got a new bed recently...I have lots of beds. I decided to take stock of all of my awesome sleeping places. As you know from my previous post I LOVE to sleep.

Here's my new bed. It's super soft.

Checking out my new bed!

This was my first bed ever. It was a little too small for me.

Me in my first bed.

I decided to let Frankie, Julia's co-worker's dog, have it. He fits a little better.

Here is my night time bed. Joe and Julia recently got a new bed so this has been made from parts of their old bed. It consists of a memory foam topper cut into 4 pieces and stacked. They are covered in a mattress pad. I also have 2 pillows and an old cashmere (yes, cashmere) sweater to snuggle with.

This is their new bed. Julia and Joe think this is their bed but it's really mine. Once they are out, I'm in.

Waking up from a snooze.

This is where I curl up when Julia is in her office. I also sit here to look out the window and watch all the people go by.

This is where I lay down when Joe is working in the studio. Notice the foam layers below for extra comfort.

This is my argyle covered Poang chair where I watch all my TV.

Joe himself also makes a good bed on occasion.

We're pooped!

Monday, November 22, 2010

New Park

A new dog park opened in Somerville and I was there for the ribbon cutting.
Overall, it was pretty awesome. It's a big park, lots of room to run. It's got some cool features that most dog parks don't have, like an dog walk, and some tunnels. The only part that I don't like is that the ground is some weird clay stuff like kitty litter (I'm a dog! not a cat!!). It's dusty and kind of gross.
It won't be a frequent place to go, like Fresh Pond is (NOTHING compares to how awesome Fresh Pond is!!! NOTHING!!!) but I'll check it out once in a while.
The best part of the day was that they gave out gift bags to all the dogs that came to the opening. There was dog cupcake in it!!! Unfortunately there isn't a picture of the cupcake because it got eaten to quick. YUM!
Here are some pictures for the big event.

Here's the park before the opening. 
Here I am waiting with the other dogs.

They are about to let us in!


Checking out the rock steps.

Playing in the tunnels.

I love ramps!

Afterwards I was tired.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Favorite Activities: #3


Eating is probably my number 1 most favorite activity. I really like playing. I really like running. I really like jumping. I really like sleeping. But eating blows them all out of the water.  Eating is the one activity that I will stop all other activities in order to do. I would even rather eat then hang out with Asoka (but don't tell her that). You can check out things I like to eat on my recipe page.

Just look how happy it makes me!